13th Annual Tourmaline Club Challenge

13th Annual Tourmaline Club Challenge

Proceeds from the contest will go directly to our friends in Lahaina, Maui who suffered through the recent fires. 

Open only to members of an acknowledged surf club in the Coalition who have signed up through their team captains

If you've already gotten a spot through Celia and need to pay, use this link. 

Please note that as part of the Coaliton of Surfing Clubs series, you must be a paid PBSC member before you can register for the contest, which is done through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Once she has signed you up you can pay your entry fee here, just remember to put TCC in the comment box. If you need to sign up for membership or renew your membership click here

Event Details

Date and Time 10-07-2023 6:00 am
Ending Date and Time 10-08-2023 5:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registration Ends 09-29-2023 6:00 pm
Entry Fee $80 Adults, $60 Groms
Location Tourmaline Surf Park


Location Map

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  • all of your surfing fantasies can come true thanks to the wonders of Modern Technology™
  • the Epic Feels of Inteconnectedness With Nature that you share with us here will live on forever in our Virtual Community™
  • you can choose the gift of periodic updates via electronic mail messaging1
  • and not to mention the presence of Archive Dot Org should this site ever get chandeliered by a Great Cosmic Wave of Internet Destruction.

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