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Members List

Current Members

If you're on this list your membership is current according to our records. If you think you have paid for your membership but your name is not listed, please let us know here.

Avatar Name Plan Organization Email Membership date Membership End Date
Christina Amara Individual Yearly Membership christinaamara2@gmail.com 06-19-2024 06-19-2025
Vincent Bodie de la Mross Individual Yearly Membership Qustom vince@qustom.com 01-11-2025 01-11-2026
Teresa Burdick Individual Yearly Membership tsurfingsd@gmail.com 02-08-2024 02-08-2025
Caleb Christianson Individual Yearly Membership caleb.christianson@gmail.com 05-10-2024 05-10-2025
Susana Cicchetti Individual Yearly Membership Therapeutic Moves Physical Therapy susana.dpt@gmail.com 04-14-2024 04-14-2026
Aurelian Fousse Individual Yearly Membership aurefousse@me.com 12-07-2024 12-07-2025
Lauren Frack Individual Yearly Membership fracklauren@gmail.com 07-08-2024 07-08-2025
Derek Framinan Supporting Business or Organization Surf Lounge derek@surfloungerepeat.com 01-04-2025 12-31-2025
Kenneth Glimme Individual Yearly Membership ken.glimme@gmail.com 05-15-2024 05-15-2025
Jay Grant Individual Yearly Membership jgrant@ontheglass.com 11-11-2024 11-11-2025
Ed Hartel Individual Yearly Membership Drone Dude Ed edhartel@gmail.com 02-15-2024 02-15-2025
Dane Hilley Individual Yearly Membership danemhilley@gmail.com 09-22-2024 09-22-2025
Sean Kam Individual Yearly Membership seankamdesigns@gmail.com 04-22-2024 04-22-2025
Andy Lock Individual Yearly Membership andy.y.lock@gmail.com 02-26-2024 02-26-2025
Penelope Lombardo Individual Yearly Membership lombardo@email.arizona.edu 08-28-2024 08-28-2026
Penelope Lombardo Extra Family Member Yearly Membership lombardo@email.arizona.edu 08-28-2024 12-31-2025
Julianne Markow Individual Yearly Membership juliannemarkow@gmail.com 04-24-2024 05-23-2025
Anastassia Matviitsuk Individual Yearly Membership nastja.matviitsuk@gmail.com 10-01-2024 10-01-2025
Bob McConnell Individual Yearly Membership irondolphin1@cox.net 08-04-2024 08-04-2025
Andrew Miller Individual Yearly Membership andymlller108@gmail.com 05-22-2024 05-22-2025
Ryan Moulton Individual Yearly Membership moulton.ryan@gmail.com 09-09-2024 09-09-2025
Jonathan Murphy Individual Yearly Membership Jonathan D. Murphy, CFP murph050@cougars.csusm.edu 04-27-2024 05-27-2025
Ed Nava Individual Yearly Membership cheaprntls@aol.com 07-07-2024 07-07-2026
Paul Pais Individual Yearly Membership Life barrel dough2usd@gmail.com 11-13-2024 11-13-2025
Cathy Principato Individual Yearly Membership cathyprincipato@gmail.com 01-14-2025 10-13-2026
Joe Rigby Individual Yearly Membership jrigby57@yahoo.com 04-30-2024 03-08-2025
Miles Roberson Individual Yearly Membership milesroberson68@gmail.com 08-07-2024 08-07-2025
CJ Robertson Individual Yearly Membership Cjinsandiego@icloud.com 07-31-2024 07-31-2025
Jay Rothermel Individual Yearly Membership surferjackson@gmail.com 07-18-2024 07-18-2025
Kay Saffe Individual Yearly Membership k.saffe@gmail.com 05-06-2024 05-06-2025
Sarah Schug Individual Yearly Membership s.schug7@gmail.com 12-21-2024 12-21-2025
Carly Smolak Individual Yearly Membership smolak.carly@gmail.com 12-25-2024 12-25-2025
Kali Stewart Individual Yearly Membership SCEND FITNESS trainerkali@gmail.com 06-04-2024 06-09-2025
Stephen Wheaton Individual Yearly Membership 0080014681 swheaton@san.rr.com 04-26-2024 05-21-2025

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