Nico grew up surfing in PB and is a commanding presence in the water. He regularly does cross ups at Tourmaline with Billy Snyder and this sometimes leads to minor injuries or board dings, but it's all in good fun!

An avid surfer since her childhood days in Laguna Beach, Celia has been a member of PBSC since the late 1990's. Her enduring and endearing stoke and enthusiasm is the glue that holds the club together.

A fourth generation San Diegan, Vince started surfing in the mid '90s at Tourmaline Surfing Park and has become a local fixture both in and out of the water as the club's technical guru and webmaster.

When you send in your money for membership, contest fees, etc., Kris is the guy who takes those grubby dollar bills to the bank to keep the club's various operations going without a hitch.

Ron Greene is a longtime Pacific Beach inhabitant who can be considered a local treasure not only for his role as PBSC's President (he has had two stints), but for his excellence at surf photography and top level surfing skills.

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  • all of your surfing fantasies can come true thanks to the wonders of Modern Technology™
  • the Epic Feels of Inteconnectedness With Nature that you share with us here will live on forever in our Virtual Community™
  • you can choose the gift of periodic updates via electronic mail messaging1
  • and not to mention the presence of Archive Dot Org should this site ever get chandeliered by a Great Cosmic Wave of Internet Destruction.

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