2023 Pacific Beach Holiday Parade

2023 Pacific Beach Holiday Parade

All club members and supporters are invited to take part in the annual Pacific Beach Holiday Parade.

Bring a bike, a skateboard, or just some good walking shoes and come join in the fun! We will make the trek from Garnet and Haines westbound to Cass Street and pass out candy to the young ones and good cheer to everyone!

More details are here and here.

See you there!

Event Details

Date and Time 12-09-2023 11:00 am
Ending Date and Time 12-09-2023 2:00 pm
Entry Fee Free!
Location PB Middle School

Venue Information - PB Middle School

This is where we meet for the annual PB Holiday Parade, and it's actually on Felspar Street between Ingraham and Haines.

Registered Competitors

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